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I’m Coach Carolyn!


I'm a mental performance consultant, here to help elevate your sport experience. 

I help athletes learn how to compete with confidence, navigate adversity in their sport, and develop the tools they need to consistently perform at their highest level.

Mental skills training is just as important as physical practice and is beneficial to all athletes regardless of age or ability level. Work with HeyCoachCarolyn to build your confidence, control, and consistency in sport!

Hey Coach Carolyn
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What exactly is

mental skills training? 

Mental skills training is the process of learning and developing tools to help athletes consistently perform closer to their best.


Sport success is determined in part by physical preparation, but also by factors such as confidence, motivation, concentration, energy management, and emotional control. You may have heard the Yogi Berra quote, "Baseball is 90% mental; the other half is physical." If mental aspects contribute so significantly to performance, then why not spend time training them? 

When an athlete can compete with confidence and trust in their skills, they are able to perform in a state of flow. Even small adjustments in mental state can have huge impacts on competitive outcomes. When you're up against an equal or stronger opponent, your mental toughness might be the reason why you can edge them out. 

And to top it off, when an athlete can compete with confidence and handle competitive stress, they are more likely to enhance their overall sport enjoyment. And if sports aren't fun, then why are we playing them? 

Any topics catch your eye? Connect with me to learn more!

team building  

Mental Toughness

Athletic identity

Building confidence


Goal setting 

Concentration and Focus 

Sport-related anxiety/stress

navigating adversity in sport

fear of failure

performance routines


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