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Hey! I'm Coach Carolyn.

I am a mental performance consultant and ice hockey coach, here to help elevate sport performance.

coach carolyn

While I was playing competitive ice hockey, I lacked awareness about the mental side of sports. My definition of sport success relied entirely on training only the physical elements needed to play, without any thought or time dedicated to working on my mental game. When I finished my playing career and began coaching youth ice hockey, I quickly learned that only teaching physical practice was limiting my athletes potential for high performance, both in and out of their sport.


Now, I believe that leading athletes to success in sport requires more than skills and drills, extra practice, and conditioning in the off-season. I want my coaching to include education and training for mental performance, and for this piece to be viewed as important as physical practice.

In 2022, I received my master's degree in sport and performance psychology. Throughout my graduate training, I worked with mentors and athletes to develop my knowledge as a mental skills coach. I wanted to make sure that as I continued on my path in coaching, I was doing my best to coach the whole athlete. Now, I'm here to share that with you. Whether you are an athlete looking to improve your game or a coach trying to figure out how to get consistent effort from your players, mental skills training is important and needed.

coach carolyn
coach carolyn

Contact me at:

for more information!

Just like any team sport, it takes communication, effort, and trust to find success. Let's work together to elevate the sport experience!

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