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Hey Coach Carolyn can help you learn to compete with:


Are you new to a sport? A longtime athlete? A dedicated recreational player? A formerly competitive athlete? An aspiring or current professional? 


If you said yes to one of the above or find yourself anywhere in between, then you may benefit from working with a mental performance consultant. 

Maybe you're struggling with confidence before you compete, or you're having trouble feeling motivated to practice. Or maybe you're just a little too hard on yourself after a loss, and a fear of failure is preventing you from performing at your best. All of this and more can be addressed when working with a mental performance consultant. Hey Coach Carolyn strongly believes that training your mental performance is just as important as physical practice, and is here to help you do exactly that. 

As you get started...

Click through to read the truth about some of the most common myths when working with mental performance consultants.

Coach Carolyn has been an invaluable asset in the development of my daughter as an athlete. She knows how and when to push her and when to back off. She has provided my daughter countless tools to help her grow in confidence on and off the ice. Honest and level-headed, Coach Carolyn is very helpful in identifying what really matters and keeping things in perspective. 

AAA Ice Hockey Parent

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